Spinning in Circles

It is interesting some of the thoughts that pass through your mind as you are spinning in circles down a freeway during rush hour.  I encountered this last week on my way home from work.  I've always hated that feeling you get when traffic comes to a sudden stop and as you are slowing down to avoid the car in front of you, you are peering into your rear view mirror praying that the car behind you can stop in time. 

As my tires halted, I breathed a sigh of relief as the vehicle behind me also made a successful stop.  Traffic then started up again and I was off, free and clear from any collisions...........then I heard it........the sound of screeching tires..........I looked in my rear view just in time to see a car fishtailing out of control directly at me.  As the vehicle collided with my rear bumper and I began to spin, my first thought was, "Wow, death can really come quickly and unexpectedly."  Once my vehicle had made a quarter turn, I then thought, "Dang it, I've been trying to take such good care of my truck."  After completing a revolution I realized I was now rolling backward toward the cement barrier that divides the freeway.  I tried to slam on the breaks as I was worried about smashing the back of the truck against the wall..............before I remembered that a car had just crushed the back end, so what was I really trying to save......

Now, I know this story pales in comparison as to the accidents many of you have had, but one thing that I quickly realized was how eager people are to help each other.  As I went to check on the driver of the other vehicle, after regaining her composure, her thoughts immediately turned to me and my well being.  The next day, I had three separate friends offer to lend me a car.  Bad things will always happen in this world, earthquakes, tidal waves, accidents, and sickness but each of these are opportunities for beauty as we step out and assist each other.  When our lives are spinning out of control, normally our biggest problems are not that we don't have help available; it’s that we are too proud to accept it.  I woke up more thankful that next morning than I had the day before as I was given one more reminder of the blessings that surround me.  Those blessings are not cars or houses, they are people.  The relationships of family and friends are the true blessings, they are what really matter.  Thank you all!


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