A Thought on Trayvon

I am placing this post out there in search of feedback from the rest of you. I found myself very upset today over a news story about two young black teens who randomly beat up a white teen as an act of revenge for Travon Martin. What upset me about this story wasn't really what these kids did, what upset me was that the media chose to run the story on a national news network. I understand that when injustice is taking place, it is important that as many people as possible be made aware of such atrocities so they are not swept under the rug. For much of our national history there has been great injustice done as the result of racial tension. But at what point does media coverage move from informing to preserving? It seems to me that for anything to die, there has to come a point where we have to stop giving it the attention it doesn't deserve. I am wondering if our nation is reaching a point with racial issues that instead of quelling the the final breaths of this beast, we are instead providing CPR by media networks jumping on any racial incident that takes place. When I read the story covered today, the first question I asked was, "What good can possibly come from having aired this?" I can't help but feel that, while this may have indeed been a prejudice decision, it was still a decision made by a couple of KIDS. Does this really warrant national news coverage? Will we let the poor choices of KIDS continue to fuel a centuries old problem?

If you read the blog you already know my feelings about the media, and this is just another example of a story that I feel was meant to incite more than to heal. I'm afraid that racial tension is just too good of a ratings boost for the media to let it die.

So this is my question to all: Can sensitive issues reach a point that continuing to point them out does more harm than good? Thoughts?


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