What Would You Do If You Knew You Wouldn't Get Caught?

Ever wonder that? If deep down in our heart we knew we would never get caught, what kinds of things would we do? Would you rob a bank? Have an affair? Experiment with a drug? Spend more time in Vegas? The fact is almost all of us have answers to this question that we would never reveal but deep inside we know the truth. And whether we like to admit it or not, that is the real person inside us. If all the restraints were taken away, who would be the person left?

Ever wonder why it was the thieves and prostitutes and the like that Jesus seemed to love hanging out with. We tend to think it was because they were in such need of his love, which they were, but maybe it was more than that. Maybe he liked hanging with these people best simply because they were the most like him? Oh, he wasn't out doing all these "terrible" things of course but Jesus was a real guy. He was genuine, the last thing that could ever be used to describe him was fake. And these people, as flawed as they were, were not fake. What we keep secret about ourselves they lived out. We look down at them but really they just have the courage to live out our unspoken desires.

It was the religious fakes that he couldn't handle. It wasn't that they tried to live holy lives, it was that they pretended these things weren't issues for them as well. I don't think we need to go out and live lives of debauchery to draw closer to Christ, we just need to stop pretending that we wouldn't if we could.


  1. Pretty broad comment. There have always been rule followers, who for some reason have a strong sense of right and wrong and their choices reflect that, regardless of any fears of getting caught. There have always been rule breakers who always push the boundaries regardless of the risk. The middle group is who I assume this is written to and about.
    Nothing is said of the Holy Spirit influence on a person or how God can change the hearts of people, so I guess we are left with a commentary on people judging others when what...they still have those desires? I'll agree that judging others is wrong, no matter the context but disagree that just because you thought about it, or an innate desire is there, that you are somehow fake because you resisted temptation.

  2. Thought provoking though and I get your point about fakies.

  3. My son once said..it is not God I have a problem with..it is His followers. Further discuussion revealed that he finds "those people" to be hypocrites. Is it possible that Jesus felt the same when he condemned the religious leaders of His time...Woe to you hypocrites. Your suggestion that He chose to spend time with "real" people is a point well taken. How often have we preferred to spend time with those deemed sinners because our comfort zone was with them..no judgement, pretense or condemnation. If we did not have to answer to our christian friends for our actions..would we live freely. Not sure I would say sinless...I steal, cheat, covet, am a glutton, lust..etc. But I try to be transparent and admit my errors...my faith allows me to accept God's grace of forgiveness. Would I live differently if no one could see me as I am? Not sure they do because they live the same way. Accept me as I am..and encourage my growth in the Lord.


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