Dear Civil Rights leaders named "Reverend"

Dear Reverend (Insert name here),

I can appreciate the fact that there is still prejudice and bigotry in this world and because of that, gross injustices still can and do occur.  Unfortunately, I'm afraid that the actions of many of our civil rights "leaders" are actually making things worse and I'm afraid it is intentional.  I'm afraid that most of these leaders are self appointed and have discovered that if they can preserve the negative effects of racism, they can continue to maintain a platform of power and attention.  It is not in their personal best interest for racism to die as they have made millions off the industry.  If this is the case these people are worst than racists, they are traitors!  Traitors to their own people as they exploit their own for personal benefit and gain.  Can I say I know this for sure?  No, but if it looks like a duck....... 

Now, the obvious question for me is how I could possibly know another person's heart, and the answer is that I can't and don't.  But I do know this, I know what it means to be a "reverend" and  I know the teachings of the Man that these men claim to model their movements after, which makes it a lot easier to pick out a fraud.  Yes, prejudice and bigotry still do exist in this country and I can't believe that these men actually want it to go away when I can see that they have been given a proven 2,000 year old method to end these issues and refuse to follow it.

As a friend of mine so accurately put it, prejudice is a learned behavior.  It is handed down from one generation to the next.  Children are not racist or bigoted, they have to be taught to hate based on skin color and the like.  A person is taught to hate a race, creed, or religion and then they begin to look for reasons to reinforce what they believe.  So "reverends" when you stand up on your platform and begin to cry out for chaos in the wake of "injustices" then are you not simply reinforcing the negative emotions you are trying to over come?

After all, if color, race, and religion are what we are trying to unite, then why don't we speak out towards any injustice to any man?  When we only represent a certain group then are we not actually perpetuating the separation?  The problem I have is that I know these men are intelligent and because they are "reverends" they know, or at least should know, these truths.  So, the only two options left are that they either are prejudice themselves and therefore want the hatred to continue or are grossly out of touch with what they claim to believe.

Because we are all human we all are connected and as a human it should be possible to find something to be appreciated in any other human on this Earth.  It really is difficult to hate someone who loves you but it's easy to hate someone who you think is only being nice to you so as to manipulate.  It's even easier to hate someone who lashes out at you with venom.

So please, to anyone who truly wants to improve our world, lets learn to stick up for each other no matter race, creed, or religion.  Rather than just taking care of our own, let's learn to see everybody as "our own."         


  1. This should be sent as an editorial..but guard your life...these same religious bigots would seek to preserve their cause at any cost. When did you ever see any of these so called reverends call for peace...their venom provokes anger as they slither in and out of our communities searching to further their racist platforms. We cannot possibly have healing without forgiveness..and there doesn't seem to be any forgiveness as they utter words of hatred. You are correct in saying that they have lost vision of model Jesus used but again, if they role modeled, their positions would disappear. They promote racism and biogry. Reverend??? That is debatable...they have lost their "commission". God have mercy on their souls.


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