My Life Sucks......

That's a phrase I've heard a number of times in my life and unfortunately, have actually uttered a few times over the years. It hasn't been until recently that I've really started to analyze the meaning of that statement. Why do we sometimes feel that our lives "suck?" Typically its because we are going though a difficult time or perceive that our life has been harder than it should have been. When I think back about the times that I've been negative about the circumstances of my life, I have to ask myself, what really made it so bad?

When reflecting back, I've never gone hungry, at least, not because there was no other option. I've had access to family, clothing, shelter, etc. Yes, I've lost loved ones, yes, I've had inconveniences, yes there have been struggles at times. But, if I had actually stepped back and analyzed my situations, normally the reason they "sucked" was more about the expectations of what I wanted my life to look like rather than how bad things really were.

Somehow, I had developed a magical expectation that I deserved better than what I had. Where that came from, I'm not sure. The fact is, life itself is a gift. We've done nothing to be here. When it comes down to the most basic perspective, each of us is a pile of atoms, none of which are alive, that has somehow come together to form a living creature. These atoms have existed since the beginning of the universe and after all that time, a few of them have come together for a few years to form you and me before they fall back apart again and we are gone. The fact that we even have the opportunity to experience life is remarkable, good or bad, it is a gift. I've discovered that to be happy, I must learn to appreciate my life for what it IS, rather than what I wish it was.

If not careful, we can spend these brief moments on Earth miserable simply because we create an illusion of what is required for happiness rather than finding ways to be happy with the gift we already have.


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