The Worst Thing I've Ever Seen...

Yesterday I was having a pretty good day.....and then I saw a news story that it was the 70th Anniversary of Ann Frank's final diary entry.  A couple weeks later she would be dead, the victim of the worst attributes of humanity.  As a father I began thinking about how awful it would have been trying to keep your family safe as prisoners confined to an attic simply because other people wanted to kill you and your kids.  That's other reason....just want to kill your family. happened.....I saw the worst image of my that will be forever imprinted in my mind.  It was of a young girl, probably about 9 or 10 years old.  She was beautiful, dressed in a little lacy blue dress and white leggings.  The kind of little dress you can imagine this adorable little child probably standing in front of a mirror and admiring as she giggled.  All that was missing was one thing......her head.  That's right you read that correctly....her head was missing.  This little girl lived in Northern Iraq and was beheaded by ISIS terrorists.  One picture contained a man, who I can only assume was her father, holding the headless body of his little girl.  Why?  Just because.  These bastards are taking children and making their final moments on this Earth as terrifying as possible and cutting their heads off before sticking them on stakes around the town parks.  I am literally trembling with hatred as I'm writing this.  If there was ever anything to go to war for, its not oil, its not land, it would be to stop the torturing of children by a bunch of cowards.

I want to find the guy who did this and torture him....I really do....but then I got to wondering, how is it possible that anybody could become such a monster?  What circumstances take place in someone's life that allow them to go from being a child, not much different than this little girl, to becoming so depraved as to commit these kinds of atrocities?  That's when it got uncomfortable.....

Is it possible that had I been born into the same family as this terrorist scum that perhaps I might have been the one to mutilate this little angel?  Is it possible that the monster that harmed this little girl also lives in me and it was a simple roll of the dice as to where I was born and where he was born that kept that beast dormant in my life but awakened it in his?

My heart breaks that this isn't an isolated incident but that crap like this happens all over the world on a regular basis and has done so for thousands of years.  Countless children, innocent children like my young son, who likes to sleep with a night light because he is scared of the make believe monster in his closet, have the very real terror that there are men, evil men, out there that wants to come and kill them.  Men, who might be just like me had they been raised the same way and who I might be just like them should I had been raised in their situation.

And so my first step is to remember that same beast lies within me....and I must never let it even get a glimpse of daylight!  I will suffocate that hateful monster by trying to be the most loving person I can possibly be.  I'm going to be better at being kind to those around me, to strangers and friends alike.  I'm going to stop to help people more, I'm going to give that little wave when I switch lanes on the freeway.  When someone makes me angry I'm going to ask myself how bad the transgression really was?  How does it compare to what was done to that poor father holding his dead baby, and maybe with that clarity it will be easier to forgive the minor things that happen to me.  And should I ever come face to face with this kind of person, I will fight them, I will fight with every ounce of my body to protect what they want to destroy.

I must prepare to fight two battles.  I must prepare myself to go to war against the evil in the world and be willing to take action when I see it, to the point of death, while at the same time going to war against the evil in me and daily slay the monster within.  I must learn to love more and harder and stronger than these guys hate.......which will be quite the challenge......because they hate a lot.

In the mean time, God bless you sweet child, God bless you and every one like you....may we daily live our lives to rid the world of the evil that took you.  


  1. Beware the craftiness of the war mongers as they use tried-and-true methods to try to propagandize Americans into another undeclared, unconstitutional, dollar-destroying war. In WWI, it was proven that it was an utter falsehood when propaganda stated that German soldiers tossed Belgian babies back and forth on bayonets. In the first Iraq war, it was proven false when the warmongers said that Iraqi soldiers were throwing newborn babies on the floor out of incubators. The military industrial complex will dupe us every time to keep the money flowing into new wars that will kill this country financially for the sole purpose of the enrichment of military contractors. In Syria, footage was faked by a news announcer posing as a female doctor faking a first hand account of chemucal warfare with unrelated patients in the background. That was run on all the major networks and very quietly withdrawn after the fakery was exposed and after the damage was already done to Syrian reputations.


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